Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Young Goodman Brown from a Psychological

In the story “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne is about a man trying to figure out whether he wants his “pure” faith or instead go to the evil side. From a Psychological criticism lens, the character Young Goodman Brown, experiences conflict between his consciences and subconscious. This is illustrated by the situation Young Goodman Brown put himself into when he did not knew he was meeting with an evil substance. Moreover, Young Goodman Brown was sent on a journey fare inside the woods to meet a devilish figure to see if he would bring Goodman happiness. In contrary, it was not at all what Goodman thought the meeting was going to go like. Within, the story Goodman is going to discover a side in life he never knew; the dark and evil side of existence
To start with, Young Goodman Brown started his journey early in the morning and while he was leaving to go, his young wife Faith wanted him to stay and go some other time. In response, Goodman said “My journey, as thou callest it, forth and back again, must needs be done ‘twixt now and sunrise.” Meaning that Goodman had already planned to go on this particular day and time; from this, his wife had a bad feeling that something bad was going to happen. Furthermore, the fact that his wife named Faith was already getting bad feelings from her husband’s tripe in the morning to go see someone seemed to her that something evil was probably a waiting her husband.
Subsequently, as Young Goodman Brown was heading towards his destination he started to consider what his wife was feeling and so he got these wired feelings almost like something bad was close by. As he walked, “Goodman Brown felt himself justified in making more haste on his present evil purpose.” Ultimately, Goodman did not recognize new setting he was getting himself into until he was deep in the thick forest. Then he thought to himself, “There may be a devilish Indian behind every tree… he glanced fearfully behind him as he added, “what if the devil himself should be at my very elbow!” As Goodman made his way, a series of thoughts and new fears came to his head as he saw the place in which he was now in.

In following, Young Goodman Brown was almost there, “His head being turned back, he passed a crook of the road, and, looking forward again, beheld the figure of a man, in grave and decent attire, seated at the foot of an old tree.” In short words, young Goodman Brown knew that this was not what he had expected. Therefore, as the devilish creator made an attempt to trick Goodman into the evil side, Goodman figured that he had to stop right away. He told the evil figure that he would not go with him just yet. In response the evil figure went away, but took Goodman’s wife; for not having to leave with him and so Goodman was broken hearted for a while. Within, this battle Young Goodman Brown had going on inside him; in that time, he found out that pure faith was more meaningful and meant more to him than anything.

Overall, in the story “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne truly had a very meaningful message behind it. The perspective that the story was being seen as was from the Psychological criticism lens, as Goodman illustrated the struggle between two forces himself and what came to be an evil spirit. In which, resulted in a quest to find the only “pure” thing Young Goodman Brown could not live without, Faith.


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